Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What is a BAT file

In DOS systems, batch files are often called BAT files because their filenames end with a.BAT extension.


A batch file is a text file that contains a sequence of commands for a computer operating system. It's called a batch file because it batches (bundles or packages) into a single file a set of commands that would otherwise have to be presented to the system interactively from a keyboard one at a time. A batch file is usually created for command sequences for which a user has a repeated need. Commonly needed batch files are often delivered as part of an operating system. You initiate the sequence of commands in the batch file by simply entering the name of the batch file on a command line.

In the Disk Operating System (DOS), a batch file has the file name extension ".BAT". (The best known DOS batch file is the AUTOEXEC.BAT file that initializes DOS when you start the system.) In UNIX-based operating systems, a batch file is called a shell script. In IBM's mainframe VM operating systems, it's called an EXEC.


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